At the September meeting of the CAS, Long-time CAS member Tom Burns shared his research and recollections to connect CAS members with our club’s history, personality, and changes over the last 75 years since it was founded. Other past and present members enriched the evening with more recollections and info about our club history.
Tom tells stories of the CASTed Kessel gets up, as Tom reaches the mid-1960s, to tell the story of the Junior Astronomers of CAS. (JACAS) He got up and said “Ladies and gentlemen, I was a JACAS,” pronounced like the animal.Brad Hoehne tells the story of the CAS in the 21st century.Jay Elkes tells the story of “the Pizza Hut Putch”, an event in which members of the JACAS group, who had put a good deal of work into Borror Observatory, the main observing home of CAS during the 1970s, fielded an alternate group of officers to head the goings on of the club.Tom Keeps going late into the night.Jim Varadi holds the celebratory cake.Isaac CruzCharlie Sigrst A late 80s dobsonian, now owned by Willkie CirkerAn old, informal logo of the CAS used in the 1980s and 90sCAS makes the newspaper